Islam Is True.
Can You Show Me Why?
25% of adults who were raised as Muslims in the United States have left Islam. I’m going to show you the one thing that you can do to stop this. But first I need to tell you about Zaid.
Zaid needed someone to show him why.
He is 18 years old.
He is no longer Muslim.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the “Why Islam is True” course?
It’s the flagship course at Basira Education and the most important course for every Muslim all over the world. It unpacks four Quranic arguments for the existence of God and the genuine messengerhood of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) and then uses those arguments to respond to the most common atheist arguments that Muslims face today. After its success as an online course it was turned into a textbook with accompanying classroom resources and a teacher-training program that has been described above. You can learn more about the original online course here.

Get Trained
Preserve the faith of our children.
Help stop the rising tide of young Muslims who are losing their faith.
Spreading evidence-based conviction in Islam is the most important part of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)
The first 250 students will receive 5 free copies of the final official release of Why Islam is True textbook (due for release by end of 2022)

Help Someone Get Trained
There are thousands of teachers all over the world who are ready to get trained.
They can reach millions of students with their training.
They don't have the finances.

Takeya (Teacher)
“This is something I will cherish and be grateful for.”

Nauman (Youth Halaqa Teacher)
“I had one 15-year-old [student] who said that before I took this course I was doubting whether Islam was a true religion ... after this course I have no doubt.
You should take this course ... and teach this course to whoever you can.”

Haneen (Student)
“There is a point for everyone where they have a doubt in their heart ... this class really strengthened my iman.”

Swiyya (Administrator)
“Working with the staff at Basira was nothing short of phenomenal ... Finding Basira was an answer to our dua.”

Zaid just started college. He has a light beard. He’s intelligent and thoughtful. He respects his parents, his uncles, and his aunties. He used to come sometimes to the masjid. And He’s doing really well in his university education.
But nobody ever showed him why Islam is true. And so Zaid … has lost his faith. He is no longer Muslim.
His parents were good people. They really tried hard to raise him well. They sent him to the mosque so he could learn to recite the Quran.
He memorized many suras and that made his parents think that they were raising someone who would grow up a Muslim.
When he was a child, he used to get excited when he heard stories of how the Prophet and his Companions miraculously defeated their non-Muslim enemies. But now he thinks that the miracle stories are unscientific and when he hears Friday khutbas about those battles, it makes him think of the savage ISIS beheadings that he saw on YouTube.
He began thinking this way when he began high school.
His parents wanted him to have a successful career so they told him it was time for him to buckle up, study hard, and get the grades he needed to get into university.
But they didn’t know how to show Zaid why Islam is true.

1 in 4 Muslims leave Islam in the United States.

They never knew that they could have taught him clear evidence for the existence of God, clear evidence for the genuine messengerhood of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), clear evidence that there would be a resurrection and an afterlife.
So Zaid studied hard in high school and began thinking deeply about science, English, economics, history, civics. He found that all his school subjects were based on evidence. He found that all his teachers were open-minded.
His teachers praised him, encouraged him to think and to explore and to disagree, they respected his religion, they engaged him in interesting conversations.
Zaid didn’t have that kind of an experience with Islam and Muslims. If he were to ask himself why he was Muslim, his honest answer would be he was Muslim was because his parents were Muslim and they wanted him to be Muslim too and he knew how upset they would be if he ever said that he didn’t want to be Muslim.
He found that his religious teachers had always emphasized good manners and the importance of obedience but none of them had ever encouraged him to think critically. So he wondered if Islam is just a made-up superstition like Hinduism, like Buddhism, like Christianity.
But he kept his thoughts to himself. He didn’t think anyone could help him. No one had ever showed him that there is actually evidence that Islam is true. And he was scared that if he ever openly voiced his thoughts to his religious teachers, they would just get upset, shocked, and then they would tell his parents.
Zaid kept
his thoughts
to himself.
“I Don't Want to Be Muslim Anymore.”
Zaid memorized
many suras.
By the time Zaid graduated from high-school, he had good grades, and was accepted into a university with his career path planned out, his parents were proud, his teachers were happy, and he … had lost his faith.
But he didn’t tell anyone. Nobody knew.
It was only many years later, when he graduated from university and became fully independent, that he drifted away, left behind what he saw as religious backwardness, and embraced the values that he came to associate with the modern world: open-minded tolerance, inquisitiveness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, and scientific progress.
Nobody ever taught Zaid that Islam is open-minded, that Islam is tolerant, that Islam encourages inquisitiveness, that Islam encourages thoughtful questions, that Muslims have always been intelligent, and that they have better answers—all based on evidence—to the fundamental questions of human existence that we all struggle with.
Nobody ever showed Zaid … why Islam is true.
The way to show him why Islam is true
- wasn't to send him to a Quran teacher.
- wasn't to find him good friends.
- wasn't to find someone to inspire him to be Muslim.
- wasn't even to show him an amazing verse of the Quran or to share an amazing event from the life of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
- And it certainly wasn't to point him to the dozens of books written by philosophers or theologians who aren’t even Muslim in defense of their belief in God.

- Our scholars developed those arguments into the most powerful rational arguments for religious belief on the planet and they are found in the traditional Islamic sciences of logic, of rational theology, of tafsir, and of legal theory (usul al-fiqh).
- But they aren’t being taught to our children. If Zaid’s parents, his teachers, the religious figures around him, knew these arguments, he would have had a completely different experience.

There are millions of Zaids out there.
Zaid could be your child, your uncle, your cousin, your neighbor, your friend.
Zaid could be any one of the millions of young Muslims who don’t know why Islam is true.
The way to show him why Islam is true was to prove to him that God exists in the same way that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did, and to prove to him that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is really God’s messenger in the same way that he proved it.
We can change this.
I’m on a mission to reach and show a million Zaids why Islam is true.

Hamza Karamali
- Teachers in Islamic high-schools are getting trained in the arguments of our scholars.
- Teachers in weekend Sunday schools are getting trained in the arguments of our scholars.
- Young Muslims leading halaqas are getting trained in the arguments of our scholars.
- Parents are getting trained in the arguments of our scholars.
- Imams and ulama and muftis are getting trained.
And we're already seeing the impact.

Most of us don’t know that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) made rational arguments, and that they’re right there in the Quran.
If every teacher teaches 30 students a year and has a teaching career of 30 years, every teacher will reach 900 students in their lifetime.

That means that if I can train just over a thousand teachers, a million Zaids will learn why Islam is true. The effect of this will be far, far greater than a million Zaids

Imagine mosques, schools, families, communities, where everyone is Muslim based on clear evidence, where everyone is encouraged to think for themselves, to ask questions, where Islam is taught as the evidence-based fact that it is.
Imagine young Muslims who have religious confidence that isn’t shaken by the latest YouTube video or by their science teacher who is an atheist, or by the pressures that they face by the world around them.
We are losing our children.
We are losing our friends.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
That is why I’m appealing to you to do one of two things.
There is no greater gift you can give than the gift of iman.

I am a scholar. Do I need to get trained?
May Allah Most High bless you for treading the path of religious knowledge. You are the lifeline of our communities. Many ulama, imams, and muftis have taken this course and used it to improve their ability to stop the rising tide of young Muslims leaving Islam. Although this course is entirely based on the traditional Islamic sciences as taught in traditional seminaries (such as a Darul Ulum, al-Azhar University, or al-Qarawiyyin), it teaches ulama, imams, and muftis like you how to take their religious education and express it in the most effective way to help your communities. This course is absolutely indispensable for you. You won’t find this knowledge anywhere else.
How can I get a copy of the textbook?
The textbook is currently in its pilot-phase and is only available to students who are registered in the training program and to the students who they will be teaching. The final version of the textbook will insha’allah be available by the end of this year. Five pre-release copies will be mailed earlier than that to every student who registers for this training program.
I know someone who has left Islam. Can this training help them?
This training is designed for prevention. If you get trained, you will be able to provide other Muslims with an education that will (if Allah wills) prevent them from leaving Islam. This training will also help parents, families, and communities respond effectively to young Muslims who have already left Islam. Those parents, families, and communities are the ones who are best positioned to help bring back people who have left Islam, and this training will help them do that. This training is not designed to directly engage with people who have left Islam.
My child has left Islam. Will this training help me bring him back to Islam?
May Allah Most High reward you for your concern for your child and, through your concern and your sincere prayers, bring them back to Islam. The return to Islam is often a long process and requires many years of patience and kind treatment from parents like you. This training will help you engage with your child effectively during that process.
Why does this training have a cost?
Many professional and experienced teachers, scholars, and other professional staff are behind the research, development, training, and support that are making this training a reality. It is not possible to provide the professionalism and expertise of this training (and many more trainings to come, if Allah wills) without paying respectable salaries to these teachers, scholars, and the rest of the team at Basira. Your registrations and your donations are what help make this training possible.
How can I sponsor someone else to get trained?
May Allah Most High reward you for your noble intention. Please donate generously below. This training (and many more trainings to come, if Allah wills) will only be possible through your generous support. After having iman yourself, there is no greater good deed that you can do than help someone else have iman.
Who is this training for?
We have trained teachers in homes and institutions in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Russia. The trainees include:
- Mothers and fathers
- Homeschooling co-operatives
- Weekend madrasas
- University halaqas
- Islamic high-schools
- Imams of masjids
- Scholarly networks

How does the training work?
In ten months teachers gain the knowledge, the skills, and the real-world experience to preempt and respond to every atheist objection that our children are facing.
You will receive training, resources, step-by-step instructions, mentorship, and live support as you educate our children to help stop them from leaving Islam.
What does the training include?
Watch This Video to Hear Zaid's Story
Step 1
Online Training Before You Teach (1 — 4 Months)
50+ hours of live training, recorded training, and assessments
COURSE 1: Four Arguments From the Quran;
COURSE 2: Why Islam is True;
COURSE 3: How to Show Someone Why Islam is True
These courses are normally completed back-to-back over a period of four months. It is also possible for dedicated teachers to to take them at an accelerated pace
What exactly will the training look like?
Step 2
Coaching and Mentorship While You Teach (4 — 6 Months)
On-the-job real-world training, coaching, and mentorship as you teach the course to your own group of teachers.
We will customize the course to your particular learning needs, modifying lesson plans and developing new learning activities as-needed.
We are with you as you teach. Pre-class preparation lessons, post-class check-in's with your mentor, full support answering your students' questions, three classroom evaluations, three one-on-one consults.
Step 3
Certification After You Teach
If you taught the course successfully, you can sit a comprehensive exam and get Basira Certified.
You have now mastered the course and can teach it independently for the rest of your teaching career.
We will continue to you support you as you teach this course for the rest of your life.

Revolutionary Textbook
A distillation of 1400 years of Islamic scholarship on rational arguments into the language of modern science and logic. This textbook takes the four key arguments that feature most prominently in the traditional Islamic sciences of tafsir, logic, rational theology, and legal theory (usul al-fiqh) and uses them to comprehensively build the Quranic logical argument for the truth of Islam. The textbook is currently not available for purchase outside this program and only available to teachers in training and their students.

Professionally-designed step-by-step lesson plans with key inquiry questions, measurable lesson outcomes, and active-learning strategies place the students at the center of the classroom and help you guide them down a path of critical thinking to discover for themselves that Islam is true. A religious studies class that is carefully designed to encourage students to inquire, ask questions, object, and come to their own conclusions.

Merging Modern Science With Islamic Scholarship
Science is the vehicle of modern atheism. The textbook integrates Islamic scholarship with key topics in science such as materialism, laws of nature, Pavlovian conditioning, miracles, scientific reasoning, evolution, and modern cosmology. Students will learn how to remove all atheist underpinnings from their science education and then embrace it as Muslim scientists.

Captivating Slides
500 PowerPoint slides with detailed presenter notes. Professionally designed by experienced teachers and graphic designers so you are instantly ready to teach like a pro right out of the box.
- Step 1. Training Before You Teach
- Step 2. Mentorship While You Teach
- Step 3. Certification After You Teach

Online Teaching Support For a Lifetime
Lifetime access to three courses and an online teachers' portal—a constantly updated community of teachers and a steadily growing resource of downloadable worksheets, assessments, posters, learning activities, answers to frequently-asked student questions, additional resources to further your learning, and daily online support.

Fun and Engaging Learning Activities
Fun and engaging hands-on collaborative learning activities for haptic learners.

This photograph illustrates young students in a weekend madrasa learning the Quranic contingency argument for the existence of God by leaning against each other and experiencing that unless there exists something to hold them all up that doesn’t need anything to hold itself up, they will all be lying flat on the ground! “Verily, Allah keeps the heavens and the earth in existence lest they disappear.” (Quran, 35:41)

Personalized Coaching, Mentorship, and Certification
We are with you, coaching you, holding your hand, and helping you bring out your full potential as a teacher. Short recorded lessons that prepare you before each class. Check-in’s with your mentor after each class. Three classroom evaluations. Three one-on-one live consults. Full support answering all the hard questions. You will grow as you teach, master the material, be able to show anyone why Islam is true, and pass an exam to get certified.

This course completely revolutionizes our Islamic education by creating an open environment where teachers help students think critically and come to their own realizations.

Students coming to their own realizations.
This slide is from the very first lesson, in which students prepare to transform their religious worldview by imagining what it would be like for their faith to be an evidence-based fact rather than the cultural preference of their parents.

Current Religious Studies Model is Teacher-Centric :
"Why Islam is True" Model is Student-Centric:

Student-centric active learning through the "Why Islam is True" course in a weekend madrasa. Students are silently scanning the hallways for the 13 facts about God that they will be proving true in the rest of the course.

Basira Certification means that you have an advanced and rigorous seminary-level education on how to show someone that Islam is true, without having to learn Arabic, without having to leave your job, without having to struggle to connect our scholarly heritage to the problems that our children face today.
You've learned it.
You've applied it.
You've mastered it.
A student who learned Why Islam is True from a teacher who we trained has been prepared to engage rationally and confidently with the atheist arguments that she will encounter in her future life.
A traditionally-educated scholar has deepened his knowledge and learned how to effectively show people Why Islam is True so that he can release the full potential of his learning into his classrooms and into his wider engagements in a modern pluralistic society.
With the support of Basira, an educational administrator was able to practically realize the key institutional goal and mission of every Muslim institution - to preserve the faith of students and prepare them for the faith-challenges of the real world - by permanently instituting a curriculum to show them Why Islam is True.
A mother in a homeschooling co-op learned how to show her own children and her friends' children Why Islam is True. She will continue to do this year after year.
There are 3 steps:

Sadik (Imam)
“The training we received helped me realize that as an imam it is compulsory for us to master the challenges we face from atheism.”

An imam has learned how to bring Quranic rational arguments into his teaching and service to the Muslim community.
Lesson Plans Done For You
Help a Teacher Get Trained