I have developed a course called Why Islam is True that will show you that Islam is the only true religion.

This is how the Why Islam Is True course is different from anything else you’ve seen. A regular course on Islam only teaches you the “what”, i.e., what Islam is about. And it stops there. Why Islam Is True goes two steps further than the “what”.

How Why Islam is True is Different From Anything Else

Why Islam is True Teaches the “Why” and the “How

What other students have to say

The Why Islam is True Course Comes With

1 in 4 Muslims who are raised in America leave Islam. This is not just happening in America. It’s happening all over the world. Even in Muslim countries.

We are on the ground providing iman-protection training to parents, scholars, imams, chaplains, schoolteachers, and halaqa leaders all over the world. We are also producing and disseminating iman-protection educational resources such as textbooks, parent toolkits, debate manuals, and video responses. 

We are solving this crisis

Muslims are proud of the number of people who convert to Islam but they don't realize how many of them end up leaving Islam.


Why-Islam-Is-True-Trained Prison Chaplain

That’s how your money is used when you buy this course

But we will do even more. For every course that you purchase, we will give two more courses away for free to people who cannot afford them.  So your purchase becomes a sadaqa jâriya for you. (May Allah accept it)

But it will teach you much more.

It also teaches you the “why” and the “how”.

How Your Money is Used When You Buy This Course

No one is turned away for lack of funds. Financial Aid is Available

No Risk 90-Day Guarantee!

We are 100% confident you will love this course, and if for any reason you don't, just ask for a full 100% refund.

No Risk 90-Day Guarantee!

We are 100% confident you will love this course, and if for any reason you don't, just ask for a full 100% refund.

The Quran doesn’t just tell us “what” to believe. It gives us powerful rational arguments that explain “why” we should believe. These arguments are right there on almost every page of the Quran. But we can’t see them because we never learned the “why”. These arguments were taught by the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) himself and taught by our scholars for centuries.

You will learn the most powerful rational arguments for religious belief on the planet.

The “Why”


We no longer live in the deserts of Arabia. Our modern world is different. That’s why the “how” is important. It makes the Quranic arguments relevant by applying them to what you will see in the world today.

You will develop critical-thinking strategies and practice real-world conversations with atheists, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and everyone else that you will meet in the real world. 

The “How”

(Conversation and Debates)

Undeniable Proofs For Why Islam is True

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Why Scholars and Seminaries Are Embracing Why Islam is True

Why Islam is True is now being taught in seminaries and Darul Ulooms to scholars-in-the-making. 

It's because seminary-trained scholars can see that it's based on our Muslim scholarly tradition of critical thinking and Quranic rational arguments.

And that bringing this back into the seminary curriculum enables us to revive that scholarly tradition and use it to solve contemporary challenges.

Ever since I did the Why Islam is True course my teaching has evolved and got exponentially better.

Mufti Yusuf

Top of the class graduate of Darul Uloom Karachi, Student of Mufti Taqi Usmani, genius in his own right and founder of the famous Toronto Shariah Program

It’s almost as if a new tafseer was opened up.

Maulana Azhar

Madaniyya Academy, Instructor

They were able to access classical Islamic texts in a way they were not able to access prior to Learning Why Islam is True

Shaykh Abdullah Momla

Jamiah Qasimul Uloom, Instructor relates regarding his Alimiyya students

He never realized these arguments were there in the Quran before studying the Why Islam is True course

Shaykh Abdullah Momla

Jamiah Qasimul Uloom, Instructor relates about one of his advanced Alimiya students and Hafiz of Quran.

The Why Islam is True course follows the Why Islam is True textbook (sold separately) chapter by chapter. 

The course and the textbook are designed in a special way. Every chapter or module starts with a proposition. (A “proposition” is a statement that you’re trying to prove true.) And the goal of the module is to prove that proposition true.

These propositions are stepping-stones on your way to proving the truth of Islam, one small piece at a time.

I’ve listed all the modules and their propositions below.

Your purchase today not only benefits you but also serves as a Sadaqa Jariya, Insha'Allah, helping us spread Why Islam is True worldwide.   

We've trained 500 teachers in 19 countries to teach this course in their local communities.

Watch to see the Impact We are Having


Islam is True

Proposition: The statement “Why Islam is True” is not a cultural preference but a fact.


Who is God?

Proposition: The God who is described in the Quran is the necessary being who has volitional agency and is characterized by the attributes of speech, hearing, and sight.


Does God Exist?

Proposition: The contingency of the universe is evidence for God’s existence.


The Big Bang and the Kalam Cosmological Argument

Proposition: The universe began to exist and was made to exist by someone who did not begin to exist.


Science and God

Proposition: Natural causation is the regular association of contingent causes and their contingent effects by God.


Materialism is False

Proposition: The belief that everything that exists is physical (i.e., describable by matter, energy, space, and time) is called materialism. Materialism is false because God exists and He is not a physical object.


God’s Agency and the Argument From Design

Proposition: The universe is evidence for the existence of a necessary being who is a volitional agent.


The Oneness of God

Proposition: The design and existence of the universe are conclusive evidence that there is only one God.


Loaded Questions About God

Proposition: People sometimes forget God’s necessary existence and ask questions that assume His contingency. The proper way to answer these questions is to deny the underlying assumption of contingency.


The Problem of Evil

Proposition: The existence of suffering is evidence for the existence of God and even though it is unpleasant, it leads to many great benefits.


Life Has a Purpose

Proposition: When we look at the purposes that God has placed in everything in the universe, it seems plausible that He would also have made human beings for some purpose.


Miracles are Rational

Proposition: A miracle is an interruption of the relationship between natural causes and their effects. Miracles are possible because God freely chooses to create contingent causes and their effects


Kinds of Miracles 

(Non-Muslims Can Have Miracles Too!)

Proposition: A miraculous event on its own does not signify anything, but in the context of a claim to messenger-hood it can signify one of six things.


The Miracle of the Quran

Proposition: The linguistic, predictive, scientific, and historical miracles of the Quran are evidence that the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) was a genuine messenger from God.


The Quran is Really From God

Proposition: A process of elimination reveals that the Quran could only have been taught to the Prophet (God bless him and give him peace) by the Angel Jibril.


Other Prophetic Miracles

Proposition: The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) performed a very large number of other prophetic miracles apart from the Quran and all of them are evidence that he was a genuine messenger from God.


The Prophet Was Not an Impostor

Proposition: The life and character of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) are evidence that he was not an impostor.


Revelation is a Source of Knowledge

Proposition: The revelation received by the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is an evidence-based source of knowledge about God and the universe.


Proof of Life After Death

Proposition: We can achieve eternal happiness in the afterlife by believing and going good deeds.



Proposition: Integrating the rational, scientific, and revelatory evidence surrounding biological evolution leads us to the conclusion that human beings are a miraculous exception to the general rule of biological evolution.

  • So Powerful That a PhD Won’t Be Able to Refute Them
  • So Simple That Your Grandmother Will Get Them
  • They’re in the Quran
  • The Prophet Taught Them
  • Our Scholars Developed Them
  • But They’re Not Being Taught Today

How these Rational Arguments Saved Maryam’s Faith and Brought an Ex-Muslim back to Islam.  




Let Me Show You EVERYTHING you Get When Your Order 'Why Islam is True 'Today!

(Value: $297)

(Value: $591)

(Value: $197)

(Value: $197)

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Total Value: $1282


81 Proof Builder Videos

40 Live Thought Activator Sessions

247 Confidence Builders

Safety Hub

Proof Builder Videos: 

2-year access

Total Value: $297

  • 81 bite-sized on-demand video recorded lessons for flexible learning on-demand, anytime, anywhere
  • Build the bulletproof case for the truth of Islam and answer modern objections
  • Learn the real answer to the problemof evil and suffering (it's not the popular answer that other Muslims are giving)
  • The flaw of the Design Argument and The Atheist Design Trap
  • The rational basis for belief in miracles, and how the prophets’ miracles are different from a Hindu walking on water
  • Unmask Strategy to spot the deception in atheists’ loaded questions about God
  • Truth-First Technique to expose atheists’ Moral Monster Deceptions
  • Reject the Atheists’ Faith-Frame Strategy (without this your belief in God will look unscientific)
  • How to bring God into science by taking materialism out of it
  • … and much more …

Thought Activator Sessions:

2-year access

  • 40 meetings in 2-years (20 per year occuring approximately every other week.
  • Live-interactive Zoom drop-in classes, any questions answered
  • On-the-Spot live critical thinking activities to build clarity, conviction and confidence.
  • Your opportunity to push back and have a 2-way back and forth conversation with Shakh Hamza on any point of the course to ensure mastery of all material.

Total Value: $591

Confidence Builders:

2-year access

Total Value: $197

  • 247 Real-world application activities with instant feedback, show anyone why Islam is true
  • “Reality-Show Scenarios” to create expertise, real-life confidence, and on-the-spot critical thinking skills
  • Allows you to apply the Quranic rational arguments to a modern context and show anyone Why Islam Is True.

Safety Hub: 

2-year access

Total Value: $197

  • A dedicated online community.
  • Expert at your fingertips - Safely ask any question to remove your doubts or confusion with an answer in 24 hours or less.
  • "Never Left Alone" policy.


Low Monthly Payment Plans Also Available

Low Monthly Payment Plans Also Available

Low Monthly Payment Plans Also Available

20 Module Program Map