In short, you’ll discover what you won't find in a 4-year Comparative Religion Degree at Harvard, and at the same time skip the: 

irrelevant information and overwhelming and unneeded complexity,

wasted time,

$49,653 dollar tuition bill …

Religions Revealed

Unveiling World Religions (and Secular Humanism) Through a Critical Islamic Analysis

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… while focusing on what's relevant for your daily life as a Muslim living amongst people of different faiths (and no faith).



This is not your typical World Religions course

You will learn everything you need to know as a Muslim and gain confidence in having discussions as a Muslim about all the world religions.  

Including  Secular Humanism, the fastest growing “religion” in the world.

Through this course you will be able to  help people of different faiths come to their own realizations that everything they like in their own religion is also found in Islam, but in a better way.

You will be able to critically evaluate the truth-claims of each religion including the truth-claims of Secular Humanism.

And in an unbiased and rational way.

Without wasting time on minutiae that don’t matter.

Without feeling overwhelmed with complexity or information overload.

Even if you are a busy mom, working dad, or full-time student.

learn everything you need for all religions (plus Secular Humanism) in just one course;

master the art of discussing ANY religion clearly, confidently and persuasively; (Courteous Conversation Training Seminars For Every Religion) 

ignore the irrelevant details and avoid feeling overwhelmed with complexity or information overload; (One-Page Speed-Maps For Every Religion) 

critically evaluate each religion's truth proposition in an unbiased way; (Belief Breakdown Seminars For Every Religion)

develop critical-thinking skills using the 4 core Quranic Arguments that are taught in the Why Islam is True course to analyze different religions objectively and respectfully;

use this to rediscover the original truths in all of the religions;

then combine this rediscovery with modern historical evidence to see how and why these religions were corrupted from their original true form to their present form;

then apply this rediscovery to Quranic verses about Jews and Christians to get a deep tafseer of these verses and develop an ability to apply them to Jews and Christians today.

gain a deep understanding of the stories of the prophets in the Quran by seeing why polytheism in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Arabia, and everywhere else was unavoidably tied up with moral corruption, and why they fought against the prophets and messengers that God sent them;

see how the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) is mentioned in the major world religions (not just Christianity);

use modern historical scholarship in a critical way as Muslims to enhance your ability to communicate the truth of Islam to others;

learn to approach discussions about religion with openness and respect; (using our 25 Courteous Conversation blueprints) 

be able to have candid conversations in a friendly non-confrontational and non-offensive manner, that gets them agreeing with you and not hating you;

know how to start discussions and bridge the gap between your faith and others;

have conversations with people of other faiths in a way that is informed and respectful but also effectively conveys the truth of Islam;

really empathize and appreciate the perspectives of other religions (and secular humanism) while at the same time gently exposing their faults;

not come across as close-minded or intolerant when you explain why Islam is the only true religion; and

defend your faith against criticisms or arguments in a calm gentle way, without feeling any confusion or doubt, and in a way which ends up attracting others to Islam.

But what if you could:

If you’re like most Muslims you’re probably struggling with:

Understanding how to engage people of different faiths in a way that is friendly but also shows them persuasively and non-aggressively that their religion is rationally flawed, and doing this in a way that doesn’t offend them but instead attracts them to Islam and helps them clearly see that Islam is the ONLY answer. All without making you sound close-minded or intolerant.  

In fact let me know if this sounds like you:

  • You don’t have time to waste studying all the details and minutiae of all the different world religions.
  • You find world religion courses irrelevant, not just because they are full of irrelevant details, but also because they don’t offer critical analysis from an Islamic perspective, and if they do offer any critical analysis at all, they do so from an atheist’s perspective that does not fairly represent the strongest case for each religion.
  • You might have explored some world religions on Google, but don’t have a comprehensive understanding of them nor a critical analysis of their beliefs from an unbiased rational perspective.  And also not from an Islamic framework.
  • You are unsure of  how to start discussions about religion with friends, neighbors, colleagues and others of different faiths. 

How it all started …

I watched a YouTube video of a Muslim debating a Christian. He was refuting the Trinity. This is very easy to do in a polite and respectful way. But he did it in a way that made the Christian feel that he was insulting Jesus. So he started insulting the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). 

This is not the way to have religious discussions. It doesn’t bring anyone to Islam.

It only makes Christians angry and puts them in an emotional state that prevents them from thinking rationally. And if they are your friend or neighbor, you have destroyed your relationship and lost your ability to show them the truth of Islam in the future.

Allah tells us in the Quran, “Don’t insult those who they worship apart from Allah lest they insult Allah out of enmity and without realizing who He is.” (Quran, 6:108)

Many Muslims who are debating Christians don’t pay attention to this verse. So now we have very aggressive Christian missionaries who have made it their life’s mission to insult Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).

Don’t get me wrong. People like that will always exist, even if Muslims hadn’t insulted them. But what wouldn’t exist is their unusually large following. They are now making a career out of attacking Islam and spreading their slander to the Christian masses. Watching this insulting “da’wa” makes the Christian masses feel upset and that drives them to watch and applaud these aggressive Christian missionaries when they aggressively retaliate against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) with slander.

Because of this bad “da’wa”, these Christian masses now want revenge. 

This is a tragedy.

And that’s how this course came about.

This is different from every other World Religions course.

Because all the World Religions courses out there teach all of the religions in a way that helps you appreciate the beauty of every religion and how it makes people’s lives meaningful. They don’t critically evaluate their truth-claims. Because what they’re actually saying is that every religion is true in its own way because it gives its own unique meaning to people’s lives. But that means that there is no absolute truth. And that’s the assumption that lies behind these World Religions courses. 

But we know that Islam is true and that there is clear evidence for the truth of Islam. So the question is, how should we study World Religions in light of the clear evidence for the truth of Islam? 

That’s what this course does.

This course includes:


Over the course of 12 weeks, I will cover the following religions:

  • Islam
  • Christianity
  • Secular Humanism
  • Judaism
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Sikhism
  • Traditional Chinese Religion (Confucianism and Buddhism in China)
  • Traditional Japanese Religion (Shintoism and Buddhism in Japan)
  • New Religions (Mormonism, The Nation of Islam, Wicca, New Age Religions, and personality cults)

I am teaching this course live to a select group of students starting Saturday June 22. We will meet live every Saturday for 2 hours at 10 pm Istanbul time.

You can take the course live and will also get the recordings if you a miss a session, or you have the option of taking the recorded only option, which still gives you access to the belief hub to ask any questions.  But you will be getting the recordings as we go, and not have live Q and A.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING you Get When Your Order 'Religions Revealed 'Today!

Belief Breakdown Seminars

Courteous Conversation: Mastering the Art of Friendly Critique

Belief Breakdown Briefs - One-Page Streamlined Speed-Maps 

Belief-Analysis Activities and Real-World Scenarios

Never-Left-Alone Belief Hub

(Value: $597)

(Value: $297)

(Value: $197)

(Value: $197)

(Value: $197)

Get it for only 

Total Value: $1485


(Live Class Option)


(Recorded Class Option)


Belief Breakdown Seminars

In the Belief Breakdown Seminars you will:

Total Value: $597

  • learn the fundamental beliefs, key rituals, and unique appeals of each world religion;
  • discover how to apply the four core rational arguments in the Why islam is True course to critically evaluate each of their truth-claims without the need to spend years studying each religion and getting overwhelmed with the insignificant details, so that you can become a confident critical expert in the foundations of each religion easily and quickly even if you don’t know anything about them now;
  • evaluate the distinctive attractions of each religion, locate those attractions (or their absence) in Islam, and realize how Islam is superior and more attractive than every other religion;
  • connect your exploration of world religions with insights from the Quran, apply these insights to rediscover the monotheistic truths and origins within each religion, and understand how those religions became corrupted and how they reached their present form;
  • see how the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) may have been mentioned in the major world religions (not just Christianity);
  • critically apply modern historical scholarship through an Islamic lens to enhance your ability to communicate the truth of Islam to others.

Courteous Conversation Seminars: Mastering the Art of Friendly Critique

In the Courteous Conversation Seminars you will:

  • learn how to see the good in people from other religions (and Secular Humanism);
  • use that as a launch-pad to start a religious discussion that is friendly, sincere, and respectful;
  • strategize on how to respectfully take your non-Muslim friends and colleagues from where they are in their religious belief right now either (a) to the realization that Islam is what they are looking for or (b) at least to a new-found respect for Islam (this plants a seed in their heart, that will one day insha’Allah grow into iman);
  • gently get your point across in a way that is sensitive to your non-Muslim friends and colleagues (every religion has a unique topic that Muslims should always avoid in order to keep the conversation rational and non-political) so that you get them agreeing with you instead of arguing with you; 
  • discover how to approach discussions about religion with openness, respect and friendliness, while also being critical so you don’t offend others and don’t come across as close-minded; 
  • gain the confidence to discuss other religions (and Secular Humanism) clearly, confidently, and persuasively, without feeling the anxiety of not being able to defend your faith against criticisms or arguments nor feeling the fear of offending others;

You will learn all of this with 25 Courteous Conversation blueprints (downloadable pdfs that you keep with you as reference guides) that Hamza Karamali has developed for you. Hamza will train you on how to use these blueprints to initiate a religious discussion with people of other religions (and also Secular Humanism), and how to strategically guide that conversation in a way that gets them admiring Islam and thinking deeply about the rational and moral flaws in their faith-commitments. 

Total Value: $297

Belief Breakdown Briefs - One-Page Streamlined Speed-Maps

Stay focused and avoid being overwhelmed with our collection of nine one-page streamlined speed-maps, one for each religion.  

Each Belief Breakdown Speed-Map: 

Total Value: $197

  • analyzes each religion's beliefs in God, revelation, purpose of life, and its proofs (or lack of proofs);
  • uses the four core arguments from the Why Islam is True course to show why Islam is true and why that religion is false. 
  • reconstructs the original religion as it used to be a long time ago;
  • connects the dots to show how that original religion became corrupted to reach its present form, with a particular focus on the moral harms of religious corruption;
  • describes a selection of contemporary lived religious experiences to help us understand the meaning and happiness that drives someone to belong to that religion (this will enable empathy); and
  • mentions emotional tensions with Islam so that you can be sensitive when talking to them.
  • critically apply modern historical scholarship through an Islamic lens to enhance your ability to communicate the truth of Islam to others.

Belief-Analysis Activities and Real-World Scenarios

Consolidate everything you learned with over 100 belief-analysis activities and real-world scenarios that develop your ability to critically analyze the truth-claims of each religion, discern exactly how they became corrupted from their original truths, and have friendly yet convincing real-world conversations with people of those religions.

Total Value: $197

Never-Left-Alone Belief Hub

As a member of the Belief Hub you will get all your questions answered 24/7, with private community access to Hamza Karamali so that you are never left alone in doubt or unsure of anything. 

Total Value: $197

Recordings will become available every Wednesday  as the course progresses

Live Classes Start Sat. June 22nd